Sat 13th April for next meeting

davewitley dfrankiswork at
Fri Apr 5 12:17:33 UTC 2002

> Hi everyone,
> Judy Shapiro (Judy Serenity) is visiting the UK in just over a 
week's time,
> so we have set a date for our next London meeting to tie in with 
her time
> here.  The plan is to meet on Saturday 13th April, at a place still 
to be
> determined.  I believe David has suggested we meet Judy at 5pm, but 
I guess
> we could shift that if it causes difficulty for anyone, or meet 
earlier (and
> meet Judy later, if needs be).   Unfortunately, I didn't get round 
> posting this before Judy left, but she has phone contacts for 
several of us.

Just to explain.  I was concerned that Judy might be incommunicado 
from yesterday, so after rapid consultation with Catherine, suggested 
a default time and place in case we didn't manage to hear from each 
other again.  That was the coffee shop at the exit from Charing X 
Station opposite Platform 6, at 5 on Sat 13/4.  Judy replied, so she 
knows.  (How she will recognise us, and we her, remains a problem to 
be solved.  I suggest maroon velvet dress robes, with the Hogwarts 
crest clearly visible.  Lace cuffs optional.)

However, it's not meant to be the final answer - it's just my hurried 
best guess at what I could make, it is not constrained by Judy, and 
other suggestions are welcome; I believe Judy is contactable in 


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