meeting on October 11/Meeting place/COS

Grey Wolf greywolf1 at
Sun Sep 22 16:10:32 UTC 2002

bluesqueak (Pip) wrote:
> Of course, *none* of you know me by sight, so is it 'green carnation 
> in the buttonhole' time? [grin]. Or just a copy of HP?
> Pip! Squeak

You know, the same thing happens to me. I could send you a photo, but I 
think my paranoia about Internet safety is well enough known for me not 
have to explain why I'm not going to. At any rate, I'm going to get to 
London early, so I have ample time to get lost and STILL find the place 
in time, so check for a boy in black reading a HP book with yellow 
covers. That should be easy to see: yellow against black.

Catherine wrote:
> I'm going to plan for 6pm at Charing Cross Station at the coffee shop > next to the taxi stand (usual place for those who have been there 
> before). For those who haven't, if you are facing the station, it is
> close to the entrance on the far right - close to Next.

I have this horrible foreboding feeling I'm not going to be able to 
find that place as described. You don't happen to know the name of the 
place, do you, so I can ask in the station? Then again, if it's the 
*only* taxi stop, I can simply ask around for it... At any rate, any 
help to make it easier to find would be welcomed.

Michelle Apostolides (pinguthegreek) wrote:
> Could everyone who is certain they want to see the COS movie on the
> opening day please let me know either here or offlist as I shall call
> to try and book tickets for a meet up on the 15th November. Usual
> suspects plus..... how many?
> Michelle

Count me in for that, Michelle (but you knew that too, didn't you?). I 
prefer to go on the Friday showing, since I'll probably have class that 
same Friday, and I wouldn't want to oversleep after a late showing of 
COS on thursday.

Hope that helps,

Grey Wolf

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