Reminder about COS tickets

Neil Ward neilward at
Thu Sep 26 14:43:39 UTC 2002

Michelle said:

<< So please indicate which showing you prefer if you don't wish to 
or unable to attend one showing or the other. However, please 
remember to confirm that you wish us to book tickets ! This will be, 
of course, at the Odeon in Leicester Square. Meeting time and place 
will be established nearer the time ! >>

I'm taking leave that day, but I think I'd prefer to attend the 
evening showing only.  However, if it's really awful, those people 
attending the earlier showing must pretend it was a truly wondrous 
experience, whilst not giving anything away with knowing looks.  

Frances: let me know if you need money up front for these bookings, 
or would prefer to split the load between several people.  If it's a 
large group, it may be hard to get seats in a block anyway.


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