[HPFGU-London] This Friday ...

Catherine Coleman catherine at catorman.yahoo.invalid
Tue Oct 8 17:34:24 UTC 2002

In message <20021008153635.50175.qmail at ...>, Al 
<dracos_boyfriend at ...> writes
>Yahoo! Groups My Groups | HPFGU-London Main Page
>Can I be refreshed on when and where we're meeting.
>I'd like to come, have a sudden burst of free time at
>the end of the week that I need to use up somehow, and
>will also have my New York photos to irritate you

Currently, it's 6pm, Charing Cross (the usual coffee bar near the taxi 
rank) - and we'll probably be going to the Pitcher and Piano again, 
before going to eat.

This might be a good time to have a quick head count, just so we can 
know who is definitely coming.

Finally, my mobile no. is 07710 487 375 just in case...

To start the list:


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