[HPFGU-London] Hi, I'm a newbie!

Neil Ward neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Sun Oct 27 18:12:25 UTC 2002

Lauren said:

<< My name is Lauren and I live in Newcastle upon Tyne.  This is the nearest
regional list I can get for me, so I decided to join it. >>

Chris replied:

<<Well, here's a shout out from Middlesbrough. (I know a student at Durham
University who writes HP fanfic, too.) I do suspect that this has
unofficially morphed into HPFGU-UK to a certain extent.

I hope you London folk don't mind! >>

I don't.  After all, they have one group each for the whole of Australia,
Texas, Germany and many other areas larger than our sceptred isle.

I think we've only had one physical meeting outside London (in Oxford), but
perhaps we could plan to meet up in Manchester, or somewhere more northerly,
at some point?  I'm sure some of us southerners would make the trip beyond
Watford.  I say "southerners," but I'm actually a Midlander (Wellingborough)


Oh - welcome to Lauren!


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