Oxford meet in January...
Grey Wolf
greywolf1 at grey_wolf_c.yahoo.invalid
Sat Nov 30 23:23:11 UTC 2002
--- In HPFGU-London at y..., "Simon Branford" <simon.hp at v...> wrote:
> http://www.livejournal.com/talkread.bml?
> journal=sjbranford&itemid=27207
> The idea is for a meet on the 18th January in Oxford. So clear your
> diary's for that date and make the necessary arrangments. More
> details will follow.
> Simon
I've been debating with myself whether to post this or not, and I've
decided to air it, in case it makes a difference.
The bare fact is that I'm not going to be able to attend on that day.
My exams are concentrated on the week after, and I simply cannot afford
to go sight-seeing on the weekend I should be studying/relaxing (and in
this case, by relaxing I mean lying on a bed reading, not going
places). My exams are only a week long, but unfortunately start on a
wednesday and finish on a tuesday, so anything sooner than two weeks
later than the 18th would be impossible for me.
I assume that no especial concesions should be made for my case, and I
expect none, but just wanted to clear up the air.
Hope that helps,
Grey Wolf
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