[HPFGU-London] Coming to England
Neil Ward
neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Thu Feb 20 02:29:16 UTC 2003
<< Hi. I'm Melody from the mainsite, and I am coming to England for two
weeks in April with a British lady I work with to stay with her
family. They live in Rochester which I have been told is near enough
to London for me to hop over and play in the city while I am there.
So, I was wondering if I could meet y'all of the London crowd some
where at some time. >>
Hi Melody!
At the moment, 11th or 12th April are both possibles for me, but the 12th
would be preferable.
If the weather is a bit warmer, perhaps we should plan doing something
outside, or at least visit King's Cross Station and stand near the
approximation of Platform 9 3/4 carrying brooms, wearing pointy hats and
singing the Hogwarts school song. Well... perhaps not.
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