Happy Reading!

Neil Ward neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Sat Jun 21 06:41:09 UTC 2003

Hi all,

I'm sorry I didn't post a comment on the gathering for OoP Day Zero.  

I'm about to leave the house to pick up my copy from WHSmiths in 
Lewisham and then hide away in my flat to read it solidly 
(interrupted by a family picnic on Sunday) until finished, when I 
will probably have an untamed beard and eyes like a parrot.  

Last year... I mean three years ago, I attended the launch at Kings' 
Cross Station after I'd picked up the book, then dashed home to write 
and post a report on the event to HPfGU (considerably smaller back 
then).  I decided I'd much rather have started reading it IMMEDIATELY.

So, a bit selfish and unsociable, I know, but I'm hibernating.  I 
hope you all had/are having great meet ups and such like. :-)


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