[HPFGU-London] Meeting?

Pinguthegreek pinguthegreek at pinguthegreek.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 7 09:02:20 UTC 2003

  Sorry if I just posted an incomplete message... hopefully I 
  didn't... :0)
  Anyway, hi everyone, this is my first post, though I've been lurking 
  for a while.
  I was just wondering if there was going to be any event/convention 
  for UK HP fans who can't afford the thousand quid or so to attend 
  Nimbus 2003 - though I'd really love to...
  It seems like it'd be a good idea...

  Hi !

  Well, we aren't really an organised group in that way. This list is to arrange informal meet ups in London and the South East. 

  There aren't any formal meet ups or gatherings arranged that I can think of. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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