Meet-up in London, in early March?
judy at
Mon Jan 26 06:25:16 UTC 2004
Hello, everyone!
Many of you know me already -- I'm a HPfGU member from the US. I
used to be active on the main list, a while back. Then, I was a List
Elf for about two years. Currently, I'm on sabbatical from being a
List Elf -- too busy!
I was in London in spring of 2002, and was lucky enough to meet many
of you! I'm planning a return visit to London in a bit over a month.
I should be in London from at least the evening of March 5th to the
morning of March 8th, and I may arrive March 4th instead. I'd love
having a get-together then! I'm also interested in meeting with
individuals or smaller groups -- the last time, I didn't really get
to talk to everyone at the larger meeting. I wouldn't mind doing some
sightseeing, but mostly I'm stopping by London just so I can visit,
so I'd be happy with lunch, a visit to a museum, or what-have-you.
More information about the HPFGU-London