OK, then - It's Sunday, 12:45 pm, at the British Museum?

Judy judy at judyserenity.yahoo.invalid
Fri Mar 5 11:35:31 UTC 2004

Hello, everyone!

I've managed to sign on from a Cybercafe in Nice.  I take it we've 
decided to meet at the British Museum at 12:45?  I propose we meet 
at the main entrance, right in front of where one buys tickets.  
(Er -- I'm assuming that there is a main entrance; I seem to recall 
that there is.) 

If that's not the plan, or there is a change in plans, please 
someone leave a message at my hotel (number posted here earlier), 
since I'm not sure whether I'll have a chance to sign on before then.

By the way, I am free tomorrow (Saturday) wuntil 5 pm, so I'd love 
to visit or sightsee if any of you are free.  Leave a message at my 
hotel, and I'll telephone you.

Looking forwward to seeing all of you this weekend!  And, Mary Ann, 
I'm glad your little boy is OK!


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