[HPFGU-London] Re: Meeting up (8th Aug)
Sarah Shemilt
sarah at shemilts17.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 3 10:16:00 UTC 2004
That seems like a plan I could be interested in....
~ Sarah
-------Original Message-------
> From: GulPlum <hp at ...>
> Subject: RE: [HPFGU-London] Re: Meeting up (8th Aug)
> Sent: 03 Aug 2004 11:07:24
> I am *hoping* that I might be able to make this meeting. I have several
> issues to resolve (not least of which is that, being car-less, I have to
> get to London from Birmingham and back by public transport and I need to
> justify - to myself - six hours' travelling time to spend five hours in
> London....) but I am determined to make at least *one* meet this year!
> As for things to do, I've just noticed that the BFI's IMAX theatre is
> currently showing PoA and it's on at 4.30 pm on Sunday... Having seen the
> film at the "normal" cinema more times than I'm prepared to admit, I'd like
> to catch it at least once on IMAX and this could well be my chance. There's
> an IMAX theatre here in Birmingham, but PoA has yet to appear in its
> schedule, and I fear that if it ever gets here, the copy will probably be
> unwatchable (as it'll doubtless be the same print currently showing in
> London).
> I notice that Neil has announced that he can't stay beyond 7pm, but if
> there are any other takers for the film, he might *just* be able to make it
> (especially if he misses the end credits).
> Any thoughts (and words of persuasion for me)? :-)
> (BTW I'm about to go out and won't be back until the evening, so don't
> expect a quick reply)
> --
> GulPlum AKA Richard, who's been out of the loop in HPFGU-land for the last
> month or so.
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-------Original Message-------
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