Meeting up (?8th Aug)
aggie at
Tue Aug 3 12:21:31 UTC 2004
> I may not have kids in tow - Kate's trying to work out if we'd all
>be too dull for them !?!!??!?
Thanks for the heads up on the meet from the OT list Tim! I've raced
over here and joined so I can get details etc!
HI ALL *waving frantically*
Hope none of you mind a gate crasher! I've only been a member of
HPfGU for a month or so and didn't really lurk for long! Just jumped
I'd love to join you all in London on the 8th but don't know London
very well at all! If I drive is it easy to get to? I'll be on my own
and get lost going to my local supermarket!! Which tube/train
station is it near? I'm coming from Oakham in
Hopefully I'll be seeing you all on the 8th.
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