[HPFGU-London] IMAX tix

Neil Ward neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Tue Aug 3 21:17:40 UTC 2004

Sarah said:

<< Count me in! :o) When & where are we meeting? Ill be wearing my Sugar
Quill t-shirt!
~ Sarah >>

Weather permitting, we're planning to meet outside the National Film Theatre
(NFT) cafe, which looks out over the river.  The meeting time is currently
2pm, although some people may be dropping by later.  If we're going to the
IMAX, we won't be able to wait much after 4pm for any latecomers.

A Sugar Quill logo should be pretty distinctive, but take a note of my
mobile number, just in case.  It's 07957 423 185.


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