Mischief managed...

Neil Ward neilward at flyingfordanglia.yahoo.invalid
Thu Aug 5 10:53:37 UTC 2004

I forgot to confirm that the NFT part of the meeting is from 2pm.  I 
think we've all got that now though... :-)

> For those of us who don't know the South Bank complex, below is a 
> simple map and transport instructions. The NFT café is on the river 
> side of the building, sort of near/under Waterloo Bridge.  You'll 
> that the IMAX is in Waterloo Road on the other side of the NFT:
> http://www.bfi.org.uk/showing/nft/about/location.html
> Here's a picture of the inside of the café, with the window that 
> looks out towards the river:  
> http://www.bfi.org.uk/showing/nft/corphire/
> We'll probably congregate outside if we can get a bench.
> See you all on Sunday!
> Neil

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