Getting to know you...

Neil Ward neilward at
Sun Aug 8 05:24:04 UTC 2004

Michael wrote: 

<<< (I'm currently starting to work on moving to London or the UK 
permantly, which is the main reason I joined this partcular mailing 
list :) )  >>>

We look forward to meeting you when you get here, Michael.  

I visited NZ once, and saw Wellington (LoTR-mad and windy) and 
Auckland (beautiful).  As for slash, I'm not a fanfic reader, but 
it's rare to find a group that doesn't include some HP slash fans - I 
think you'd be surprised!


If any other listmembers want to post their info, please go ahead - I 
was initially thinking about the people going to the IMAX, but it 
would cool to hear about everyone else as well.  


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