[HPFGU-London] IMAX trip
ben.leigh25 at ben984761.yahoo.invalid
Mon Aug 9 18:46:59 UTC 2004
I did notice black strips at the top and bottom of the screen and wonder if
its usual? Surley the picture should fill the whole screen!
I too enjoyed the IMAX Potter experience and plan to go and see spiderman 2
on IMAX when its released, thought young black stallion looked really
On 3rd viewing i noticed some movie bloopers,one of them is when Harry and
hermione are in the forset you can hear the director and emma have a 2 line
conversation, also you could see the chain of the time turner around her
neck, this should have been hidden from view!
I'd go to another IMAX screening definatley!
-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Ward [mailto:neilward at ...]
Sent: 09 August 2004 10:44
To: HPFGU-London at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [HPFGU-London] IMAX trip
Hi everyone,
I was glad to meet you all yesterday and sorry I had to dash away
after the film.
Considering the fact that this gathering was relatively 'last minute'
and not planned for weeks beforehand, I thought it went smoothly.
The obvious exception was that Meidbh (aka Jane) was delayed: we
barely got to say more than 'hello', after which I drained her purse
and ran off.
I must remember in future that people tend to text messages rather
than phoning - I am the slowest texter you could imagine, so tend to
avoid it.
Seeing the film itself was not too different to seeing it in a
regular cinema. I nodded off a few times in the first half, more
because I was tired than anything (although I do have a habit of
snoozing through films).
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