A newbie signing on

shelaghcol ShelaghC at aol.com
Fri Dec 21 03:18:44 UTC 2001

Just being neighborly and introducing myself to the group.

My name is Shelagh and I'm a Harry Potter-holic...

Oh, wait...... I don't think they have 12-step programs yet for movie-
lovers. ;->

As the list-owner(s) recommend, I'm going to peruse the posts for a 
bit before joining in discussions. But I thought I'd tell my silly 
little story of finding Harry Potter just as an intro.

I was on my way home one afternoon and thought I'd stop and see a 
movie - hadn't gone to one since "What Women Want" months and months 
ago (worth it just to see Mel in those pantyhose!). The car steered 
itself to a nearby multiplex and, having been an amateur Ripper-
ologist in high school (what *were* they teaching us in those days! 
<g>), I thought I'd treat myself to a showing of "From Hell."

But for some reason, when I got to the theatre, I began to feel a bit 
whimsical. My eyes fell on the poster for Harry Potter (it had just 
opened that week.) It was playing on six screens at the time and on 
impulse, I asked the folks at the box office if any of the shows had 

It was a matinee less than an hour from starting. I was advised to 
come early to make sure I got a decent seat.

I looked at the ticket I'd purchased and wondered what had possessed 
me. I had never read the books. Hadn't even ruminated on seeing the 
movie. Had even stated I had no interest in those kids' books.

And a matinee for crying out loud! There would be noisy kids 
everywhere throwing jujubees and popcorn, shouting at the screen, 
crying to their mothers and fathers, running up and down the aisles! 
I knew I'd made a mistake and would most likely regret it.

But I had my ticket in hand and staunchly stood by my decision.
After a quick trip for a salad, I returned to the theatre, found a 
seat and waited.
The room filled steadily, the lights dimmed, and.....
Gasp! And sudden inhalation! 
The kids were quiet! The kids were attentive! The kids laughed at all 
the right places!
And the movie? I was transfixed! I was amazed! I was agog! In short, 
I liked it. ;->

I went out to buy the book right after it was over, btw. And I've 
seen it three more times since.

Oh, as for "From Hell?" It has since left theatres and I never did go 
to see it......

Okay, so it *wasn't* exactly a little story. (I've never been known 
for my brevity.)

To close, I'm looking forward to the discussion here and even more to 
the next movie next year!


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