My Richard Harris rant

Cindy C. cynthiaanncoe at
Sun Nov 11 16:13:39 UTC 2001

Luke wrote:

> From the moment I heard about Richard Harris being cast as 
> I have thought it was a mistake.  <snip comments about the other 
> But there has been a steady downward progression of my expectations 
> as I read interviews with Harris.  The man clearly has a sharp, 
> sardonic wit and I suspect we might even get along well, but quite 
> frankly he takes such a *jaded* view of the role that he is pretty 
> near doomed to failure.

As another person who has not seen the film and had pledged to remain 
neutral, I do have a few reactions.  Not disagreement, really, just 

On balance, it does not surprise me that Harris is not over the moon 
about playing Dumbledore.  I would think it would be a fairly 
mechanical supporting role for an experienced actor, with very few 
(if any) challenges, little up-side, and plenty of risk.  First, 
playing Dumbledore puts Harris in a situation in which he plays 
opposite everything conventional wisdom tell you to avoid as an 
actor:  children, animals, and overwhelming special effects.  If the 
film bombed, he would look completely ridiculous, with his long beard 
and velvet hat perched jauntily on his head.  If the film were great, 
he would get none of the credit.  He probably had misgivings, and who 
can blame him?

So if you are Harris, why do the film at all?  Probably the same 
reason I take assignments over which I'm not entirely enthusiastic -- 
it pays the rent.  As for him feeling that he doesn't have to read 
the books to do the role, well, I think I understand his point of 
view.  Dumbledore really isn't a paricularly deep or complex 
character in the first book, IMHO.  I guess if you've been acting for 
50 years, you have a pretty good idea of when you can get the 
character on your own, and when you need help.  The rest of it (his 
refusal to read the book, his disdain for the books) is, I think, 
just a matter of being crotchety and unwilling to abide by the 
talking points provided by the marketing department.  I actually find 
that just a little tiny bit refreshing.  

Also, I'm not troubled by hearing that Harris' performance is not 
stellar.  There are only a few actors in the film who have to be 
stellar:  the trio, Hagrid and Snape.  The others don't matter nearly 
as much.  In any film, someone must turn in the least compelling 
performance.  If it has to be Harris, I can live with it.

While I'm on the subject, I'd love to know why John Cleese bothered 
with the film.  He is a Big Star in Britain and in the U.S., and I 
understand he only has a few lines.  That is more of a puzzle to me 
than Harris' decision to participate.

Anyway, although I share your handwringing about Dumbledore in the 
film, Luke, I think it will all work out in the end.  

Cindy (hoping we haven't lost Luke as a potential member of S.A.D.)

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