ADMIN -- HP for Grownups rules apply here

Joywitch M. Curmudgeon joym999 at
Mon Nov 19 23:16:38 UTC 2001

Please, folks, the message volume on this list will soon spiral out 
of control if we all don't abide by the rules.  Remember, all the 
rules which are in effect at the main group are also in effect here 
on the movie list.  

This means several things:

1.  NO  "me too!" posts.  I know everyone's hormones are oozing out 
of control over Sean Biggerstaff and others, but please.  If all 
you're going to do is say that you, also, are in love with him, you 
are not adding anything to the discussion.

2.  Please combine posts.  You can cut and paste relevant passages 
from email, digest or webviewed posts into a wordprocessing file if 
you want to respond to several different messages.  Please do not 
send a series of posts, each of which contains a 2 or 3 line response 
to a single message.

3.  Before you hit that send button -- ask yourself:
*Did I reread this message to make sure it is written in 
comprehensible English?
*Does this message say something that someone else might want to hear?
*If I disagreed with someone in my message, did I do it in a way that 
is constructive and respectful?

Please pop on over to the main group if you're not familiar with our 
main group, HP for grownups:

In particular, if you are new to this group you should be sure to 
read our Netiquette file, which can be found at:

And, if you have any questions, just drop the moderators a line at

HPfGU-Mod-owner at 


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