Future casting...

Dave Hardenbrook DaveH47 at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 21 03:46:39 UTC 2001

> God lord, I've found my long lost sister. Colin Firth would just be
> too perfect as Sirius. There's nothing in the world I'd like to see
> more than Firth fighting with Alan Rickman. Gah.. just sends sputters
> of joy down my spine.

Mr. Darcy vs. Col. Brandon.  :)

> Pardon me again but the actor who plays Snape(forgot his name)
> Couldn't even find it in two articles. But boy everone else knows. I
> would have suggested him for Voldemort and Nigel Hawthorne for
> Dumbledore.

I never thought of Nigel Hawthone, but that's a good idea!
I'm really not satisfied with Harris.

>   For Bill Weasley, how about the actor who  played Frank Churchill
> in the BBC/A&E production of EMMA?

That's great!  Further borrowing from the BBC _Emma_ , I see Mark Strong
(Mr. Knightley) as Lupin and James Hazeldine (Mr. Weston) as Arthur Weasley.
(And possibly Kate Beckinsale as Madam Rosmerta??)


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