[HPFGU-Movie] more third time notes

Eliza Duke goofygirl22_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 26 15:49:30 UTC 2001

--- hp_lexicon at yahoo.com wrote:
> Here's a couple more comments:
> 1 - Why are HRH the only people who ever go into the
> Gryffindor 
> Common room? Even Christmas morning it's just Ron
> and Harry. I 
> realize that they tend to use the Great Hall as
> everyone's common 
> room, but even so we should see SOMEONE sitting
> there once in a 
> while. 
> 2 - It states quite clearly in QA that there isn't a
> spell to make 
> someone fly. But Quirrel flies away from the centaur
> in the forest 
> and flies across the chamber to attack Harry just as
> nice as you 
> please. 

What about levtation? Flitwick said it was the primary
thing that wizards do.
> 3 - spells: instead of using existing spells which
> would have worked 
> just fine (grrrr), we get a couple of new ones. I
> remember them as:
>     - oculus reparo (fixes Harry's glasses)
>     - lumos solarum (creates sunlight, which
> shouldn't be possible, 
> since the only light spell they use is Lumos, which
> is not nearly 
> that much light, and if it were possible to create
> that bright 
> light, Dumbledore would have done so when they were
> looking around 
> the forest for Crouch Sr. and Lupin would have done
> it when the 
> Dementor was on the train)
>     - the one that creates the fire on Snape's robe,
> which I 
> couldn't catch, but wasn't Incendio, and didn't
> create the Bluebell 
> Flames that the books mention, which is too bad
> Can anyone verify these or give me the correct
> phrases used?
> Steve Vander Ark
> The Harry Potter Lexicon

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