Sirius Casting

Felicia Rickmann feliciarickmann at
Wed Aug 7 17:48:20 UTC 2002

They're the wrong ages, yes.  Very much so.  But so is Rickman, and, 
well, ahem, *wow*.  Above and beyond his simply being delicious, he 
_absolutely_ captured the character of Snape for me.  And they'd be 
more or less the right ages with respect to him - at least, put all 
three of them in the Shrieking shack and I could believe they'd been 
to school together . . .

(*A knight in black armor smacks Boggles over the head with a rubber 
chicken and yells "Get on with it!"*)

Er.  Well, my choices for Sirius Black and Remus Lupin would be Gary 
Oldman and Tim Roth, respectively.  Largely because of their voices 
and dialogue delivery, not their looks, although I think they fit the 
looks of the characters well enough.  They've proven that they can do 
maniacal menace and Edge.  (And they're both British, so they fit 
that requirement.  And I find them both almost as sexy as I find )

*dons asbestos undies for the inevitable flames*

Ah! More people for me to 'Silent Bob' about huh?  And asbestos underwear.  I thought this was a clean group ;-)

Two new names for us to chew over.  However, I must draw the line at hitting Boggles over the head.  Bloodletting is for the likes of Voldemort, not us, muggle types.   

Was Gary Oldman in that delightful travesty Beethoven?  Tim Roth sounds like he should have been in the Rocky Horror Show (or did I get the wrong guy here?).  I am sure a knowledgeable HPfGu-er will put me right, but not too right I hope :-))

One thing that I think can be agreed upon is that the actual actor's age is irrelevant.  As long as the character does not come over as a second Gandalf lookalike, most reputable actors up for discussion would pass muster.  *Snape passed muster on a nod from JKR so who are we to argue....*  Both characters look unreal in some way, Remus prematurely aged by his condition and, parhaps, hardship, and Sirius forcibly aged by Azkaban, so it is probably down to acting merit and who JKR likes most, once she gets used to Cuaron directing that is.


  They're the wrong ages, yes.  Very much so.  But so is Rickman, and, 
  well, ahem, *wow*.  Above and beyond his simply being delicious, he 
  _absolutely_ captured the character of Snape for me.  And they'd be 
  more or less the right ages with respect to him - at least, put all 
  three of them in the Shrieking shack and I could believe they'd been 
  to school together . . .

  (*A knight in black armor smacks Boggles over the head with a rubber 
  chicken and yells "Get on with it!"*)

  Er.  Well, my choices for Sirius Black and Remus Lupin would be Gary 
  Oldman and Tim Roth, respectively.  Largely because of their voices 
  and dialogue delivery, not their looks, although I think they fit the 
  looks of the characters well enough.  They've proven that they can do 
  maniacal menace and Edge.  (And they're both British, so they fit 
  that requirement.  And I find them both almost as sexy as I find )

  *dons asbestos undies for the inevitable flames*

    - Boggles, aka J. C. B. Ramon                  boggles at
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