Polyjuice Problem

erisedstraeh2002 <erisedstraeh2002@yahoo.com> erisedstraeh2002 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 16 16:00:52 UTC 2002

illyana asked:

> Since Harry and Ron's voices didn't change in the movie when they 
> took the polyjuice, are they gonna use a "different version" of the 
> polyjuice potion for the GOF movie that enables the user's voice to 
> change? Or, are they just not going to even mention anything about 
> it and hope that no one notices (or cares).

and Richelle responded:

> Actually I don't think it matters.  In the movie things were said 
> like deeper, etc.  I didn't actually take that to mean that the 
> voices didn't change.  Just that Harry and Ron would have continued 
> to talk like Harry and Ron if they didn't make an effort to talk 
> like Crabbe and Goyle.  

now me:

I've only watched the movie once (heresy, I know!), but IIRC, 
Polyjuice!Crabbe and Polyjuice!Goyle say to each other (in Myrtle's 
bathroom, right after drinking the potion) that their voices have not 
changed, so they'll have to focus on speaking like the real Crabbe 
and Goyle.  Which struck me oddly as well, given that there's no 
mention in the books about polyjuice potion not changing one's voice, 
and that it would be difficult for Crouch!Moody to fake Moody's voice 
for an entire school year.

So, based on JKR's canon, it would seem as if polyjuice potion 
changes not only one's appearance, but also one's voice as well.  I 
think they changed it in the movie just to reinforce the fact that 
Harry and Ron were posing as Goyle and Crabbe.  And once we get to 
GoF: The Movie, I'd imagine that the movie-makers will 
convieniently "forget" about this when Crouch!Moody comes on the 
scene (just like in PoA: The Movie, when they're going to have to 
forget about CoS: The Movie when Ron changed Scabbers into a goblet 
when he's not really a rat...).

who both notices and cares when the movie-makers don't stick with 

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