[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Casting: Lupin

Richasi richasi at azlance.com
Thu Jun 6 00:00:53 UTC 2002

Jenny said:

> don't they?  They should just hire all of us to make the movies.
> Only problem would be that the movie would match the books exactly
> and would end up being 6 hours long - each! *g*

And you complain about that? ;) I'd hate to see them recast as well.
Once you see an actor/actress play a part it is hard to see anyone
else in that roll. Especially for roles as big and as coveted as
the ones in HP. But, I guess we have to just keep in the back of
our minds that it is possible that by the 4th movie.. it may be
impossible to keep the same cast. Would it ruin the magic? In
some ways. The universe of Harry Potter would still be on screen...
but the chemistry and the love for the actors/characters would
be different.

It would be like some new actor playing Captain Kirk or,
as someone mentioned, Indiana Jones. It would work, but it
wouldn't work as well.

On the flipside of that, it seems that they WANT to do all
the movies - at this point anyway - so we'll see what
happens I guess.

(who can't wait to see the COS teaser trailer now that he's
heard it)

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