British actors for HP

Felicia Rickmann feliciarickmann at
Wed Jun 12 07:39:11 UTC 2002

I think, putting it bluntly, they want actors with English accents - not faux English accents that keep slipping, perhaps that and the conviction that most English actors are stage based - not all American actors give that impression.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: nuriaobradors 
  To: HPFGU-Movie at 
  Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 3:25 PM
  Subject: [HPFGU-Movie] Re: British actors for HP? was: Casting Sirius and Lupin

  Oh, please, let's not get too picky either... I assume "british 
  actors" means not "born exclusively in Great Britain" but "who speak 
  british at native level and have a british attitude". Which of course 
  Zoe Wannamaker has, if she's lived in UK since the 50's!


  --- In HPFGU-Movie at y..., Martin Hooper <ch001d4564 at b...> wrote:
  > At 18:29 07/06/02, you wrote:
  > >Zoe Wanamaker was born in 1949 in New York City to parents who were
  > >American citizens, and she is still a US citizen.  Her father was 
  > >Wanamaker,
  > >an actor and director who was born in Chicago, Illinois, into the 
  > >department-store family. Sam Wanamaker relocated to England in the 
  1950s as
  > >a result of the US Communist witch-hunt (!) and became very 
  involved in
  > >Shakespearean theater as well as directing and acting in films.  
  He was 
  > >one of
  > >the key forces behind the construction of the New Globe Theater.
  > Ahh well you learn summat new every day!!  That I didn't know....
  > Martin J Hooper
  > AIM: Martinjh99 ICQ: 43933602
  > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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