Annoyed at Warner Bros - why bother
Felicia Rickmann
feliciarickmann at
Fri Jun 14 17:21:16 UTC 2002
The trailer will be out soon enough in another format I am sure, so why waste money going to see a film you don't want to or wringing hands if you hate Scooby-Doo? We have waited so long for 1) films and 2) the "The Books" that waiting abit longer is not going to make that much difference.
On the other hand, in relative terms having the first Harry Potter film is almost * instant gratitifation * compared to the wait for the film version(s) for the poor souls who love LOTR.
Currently listening to Der Stein der Weisen as a change from her usual HP/PS story tapes (just to pass the time...)
----- Original Message -----
From: Saitaina
To: HPFGU-Movie at
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:44 AM
Subject: Re: [HPFGU-Movie] Annoyed at Warner Bros
Bobby wrote:
<Is anyone else incredibly annoyed at Warner Bros. for releasing only
30 seconds of the trailer and then saying "Go see Scooby Doo to see
the rest"??? >
Not really, that's the way the world works. Teasers and trials are there to get money out of you when you go buy the actual product or see something.
Scooby-Doo is a highly anticipated movie for Warner Brothers. The same age group Harry is intended for will most likely be seeing it so their trying to bring in their audience early. They want our money and Warner Brothers has ALWAYS been very up front about that. It's rare that they let you have something for nothing.
Bobbie also said:
<George Lucas and the Matrix directors (being tech-savvy and fan-
Warner Brothers is not known for their fan relations. Only within the Harry Potter fandom have they seem to have grown a brain and responded with a bit of kindness to fans rather then then "Who cares what they think/want/feel?" Belief they have in other fandoms.
Bobbie then wrote:
<One thing is for sure- I will NEVER allow WB to get money
from me for Scooby Doo. If I ever do decide to see that movie, I'm
buying a ticket for another movie so that Warner doesn't get the
ticket sale... just my little rebellion, I suppose.>
Just so you know...that is called stealing. Not that they could track you down individually (although the theatre could...) I still don't think it's an appropriate rebellion but that's just my opinion. I've never been one for sneaking into movie theatre's without paying (such as some said they would do just to see the trailer of HP instead of watching Scooby)
Cordelia: It's kinda like a puzzle -- the Who Died Horribly Because Angel Screwed Up 50 Years Ago Game?
Denver: They keep calling her a zany redhead. Could be a brunette for all I can tell. Guess I'll just have to take their word for it.
Angel: It's been a long time since I've opened a vein, but I'll do it you pull any more of that Van Helsing Jr. crap with me. Are we clear?
Thesulac: There's an entire hotel here just full of tortured souls who could really use your help. Whaddya say?
Angel: Take 'em all.
Wesley: I've been accused of a great many things in my time, but paranoid has never been one of them. Unless people have been saying it behind my back.
-"Are you no or have you ever been"
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