Martin, You are a god Part II
Felicia Rickmann
feliciarickmann at
Fri Jun 21 17:11:23 UTC 2002
If you really want to see Martin walk on water then try the screencaps of Philosoper's Stone. There are some real stunners including a fine view of Hogwarts and a nice snap of Snape and the staircases one is positively dizzying.. as well as one or two nice ones of dear * Uncle Severus * (ahem).
While I am here and before I vanish to the Orkney Islands for a week (well I have to read PoA somewhere.....) I would like to thank the others who sent helpful emails and stuff - what works for one does not always work for another so alternative options are always welcom and helpful.
off to drool over Uncle Severus.............
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Hooper
To: HPFGU-Movie at
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2002 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: [HPFGU-Movie] Martin, You are a god.
At 15:20 21/06/02, you wrote:
>I don't write much to this list, but I had to say a big public thank you for
>the trailer. Looks crisper and cleaner than when I saw it in the theatres on
>Scooby Doo. I'll be watching it over and over today, despite Dobby sounding
>like an old lady (I know it's one of the actors from The Play What I Wrote,
>which I missed while I was in London - but rumor has it, Broadway in the
>spring). THANK YOU, MARTIN!
No probs... Anything to help...
Martin J Hooper
AIM: Martinjh99 ICQ: 43933602
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