Moaning Myrtle & the Age issue
Barbara Sheridan
bsher213 at
Fri Nov 1 00:38:31 UTC 2002
--- Richelle Votaw <rvotaw at> wrote:
> Well, considering Shirley Henderson (Moaning Myrtle) is
> 36 now, I doubt
> she'll look that much different at 39. :) So it
> shouldn't be a problem if
> they're concerned with keeping the same actors. Which in
> my opinion is very
> important.>>
And from the snippets I've seen Shirley is perfect as
Myrtle, just the way I pictured her when I read the books
(except for the voice but that's not that big a deal).
Since she is so much older than the character she's playing
I really can't see why there's such a fuss abuot Emma,
Daniel, Rupert, & Tom being "too old" to continue in the
principal kids roles if they choose to do whatever movies
will be made in the future.
It seems to me that the fans have accepted them
wholeheartedly and will continue to do so, especailly sicne
they are in the same age range that the book characters are
and will be.
Barbara Sheridan
(who scared a little Halloween Harry this evening with her
Death Eater costume *evil chuckle*)
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