[HPFGU-Movie] Another Ron Thought

illyana delorean illyana at mindspring.com
Mon Nov 18 06:02:07 UTC 2002

serenadust said:

>In my earlier lengthy rant, I forgot to mention something that
>Kloves/Columbus had Ron do that really was shockingly OOC, IMO.  In
>the chamber after Lockhart has had Ron's wand backfire on him, he
>says something (can't recall what) and Ron says, "heart of a lion,
>this one"  which was really kind of funny.  Then he HITS HIM IN THE
>HEAD WITH A ROCK!  Someone else mentioned this earlier and thought
>it was funny.  I thought it was appalling and completely
>inappropriate.  It seemed to be in there as an amusing sight gag,
>but it bothered me both times I've seen the movie, and I can't
>imagine why everyone thought this would be appropriate at this
>point, when Lockhart is not any real threat.  Ron doesn't do
>anything remotely like this in *any* of the books, and it seemed
>like a really cheap sight gag.

Let's read a bit of the book, now, shall we?

US Paperback ed, p. 304:

"There was a dull thud and a loud "ow!" I sounded as though Ron had 
just kicked Lockhart in the shins."

<<snip a few sentences>>

"There was another thud and another "ow!" from behind the rocks."

So, in the book, Ron may have hit Lockhart, but we do not know for 
sure, because Harry could not actually see Ron (unlike in the movie, 
where there is a gap in the rocks). I think JK is trying to say that 
Ron did, in fact, kick or hit Lockhart. I would be pretty mad, too, 
if I were Ron. I mean, Lockhart lied about all of his expertise, and 
this meant that Ginny may not be able to be saved.

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