French/Canadian Versions HPPS

Sheila Rider srider at
Sat Oct 5 22:48:30 UTC 2002

Dear Friends,

There was some discussion a few months back about the lack of a French track
on the US version of the Harry Potter DVD.  I ordered the DVD from Canada so
that I could have the benefit of the French audio and subtitles.  When I
played the French track with the French subtitles (in order to verifiy a
word I may not have understood at first), I was struck by the differences in
the audio vs subtitles.  Does anyone out there know the reason for this?

I had previously watched the trailers on the site, so I
realize that there are both "French French" and "Qubecois French" dubbed
versions.  Is there perhaps only one French subtitle track?

If there is anyone on the list who might be knowlegeable of the
dubbing/subtitle industry?  I wouldn't mind having a discussion about this.



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