Daniel's eyes

Felicia Rickmann feliciarickmann at dsl.pipex.com
Mon Oct 21 17:31:30 UTC 2002

I suspect that, when it comes down to it, they will tinker with Harry's eyes
as and when they need to.  Until then we just have to sit on our hands, or
chew our nails depending on how rigid your adherence to canon is ay any
given time ;-))

brief but relevant and to the point

> I (Richelle) wrote:
> > > I actually can't find a quote where JKR mentions that the specific
> > > *color* of Harry's eyes is significant. ...edited...
> > > Richelle
> > >
> > bboy_mn replies:
> >
> > In one interview she replied to a question about people/Harry using
> > their eyes for magic. She replied, "...uuhhhh.... Maybe."
> >
> > In a BBC interview in the fall of 2001, she had this to say...
> > Q(BBC): Now, can I ask you: are there any special wizarding powers in
> > your world that depend on the wizard using their eyes to do something?
> > Bit like.
> > A(JKR): Why do you want to know this?
> > Q: I just vaguely wondered.
> > A: Why?
> > Q: Well because everyone always goes on about how Harry's got Lilly
> > Potter's eyes?
> > A: Aren't you smart? There is something, maybe, coming about that. I'm
> > going to say no more. Very clever.
> > http://www.mugglenet.com/bbcinterview1.shtml
> >
> > So, while it is only implied, there is some significants to Harry's
> Err, yes, I certainly agree there's significance about Harry's eyes.  And
> the fact that he has his mother's eyes.  What I said was I didn't know of
> specific reference to the *color* of Harry's eyes being significant.  In
> other words is it important that Harry has "his mother's eyes" or "his
> mother's *green* eyes."
> Richelle
> ****
> "May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."
> ---- Lady Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Ring
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