[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Darn Cute Dan!
Kristi Smith
kristilynn5 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 22 23:03:08 UTC 2002
Oh my gosh. He is such a cutie. I have to agree, though that TRL is highly annoying. Anyway, poor Dan, so nervous and tongue tied, but overall, he did a nice job. The film clip was way cool, too!
Kristi, wishing she was 13 again!
alora <chrisnlorrie at yahoo.com> wrote:--- In HPFGU-Movie at y..., "myphilosophy2001" <myphilosophy2001 at y...>
> God! Is it legal for kids to be this cute??!!!
I don't know. I believe CHris Columbus now, when he said Dan would
be a heartbreaker!
> Just finished watching TRL (which I, too, abhor but will tolerate
> the name of HP) and am just charmed by our Dan! He was obviously
> quite nervous, poor thing. He could barely seem to get his
> together and seemed a bit excited/flustered by all the attention.
> assumed he'd be used to it by now. But it's easy to forget he's
> a thirteen year old kid and not The-Boy-Who-Lived. His nervousness
> was really adorable. He seems like a normal, down-to-earth kid,
> god.
> Almost (**almost**) makes me wish I was a pre-teen again so I
> have an awful crush on him!
Oh, me too!! Me too!! :D
> And I hope he does, indeed, stay on for the rest of the movies.
> me, Dan is Harry and I can't imagine anyone playing him quite as
> -Jess :-)~
Jess, I have to agree, I can't imagine anyone else being Harry. I
don't care how tall or how deep the voice gets! The main characters
need to stay the same, IMO. I'm going to rewind TRL and watch it
again! Minus the boring videos *yawn* ;)
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