[HP4Grownups-Movie]Leaky Cauldron Pic Question

Gail Bohacek gandharvika at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 30 00:31:31 UTC 2002

I was looking at the CoS pictures from the Leaky Cauldron and, being the 
Snape fanatic that I am, noticed in one of his pictures (the one where he is 
sitting in his office) above his head is an arch with writing on it.  I 
can't seem to make out what it says?  Anybody has any clue?  To me it looks 
like "City of.." something...I don't know.  Is it Latin?

I'm hoping this will take you guys directly to the picture...

-Gail.B. who thinks there should be a whole new subcategory for HP4G just 
for us women who want to rant about our obsessions with the actors of the 
movies...we could call it HP4Grownups-HunkaHunkaBurningLove

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