Anything on Sirus Casting Yet???/
Anne <>
urbana at
Sun Feb 9 21:42:39 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-Movie at, "rose590 <rose590 at y...>"
<rose590 at y...> wrote:
> --- In HPFGU-Movie at, "geri510 <geri510 at y...>"
> <geri510 at y...> wrote:
> > I know we haven't had any confirmation that Oldman has been
> > officially signed, but while watching Braveheart this afternoon I
> > thought of Angus McFayden (Robert Bruce) as playing him,
> especially
> > with that look. I can't find any pictures of him in this part,
> > since we really don't know if Oldman is going to play Sirus I
> > thought I'd throw out another name! And he's even Scottish!
> Well, since Oldman hasn't officially signed yet.....there's still
> hope. I had never thought of McFadyan! Very nice.....
> Here's a pic of him in the Robert the Bruce role. Even though he
> has the headgear on, the face is definitely that of the Sirius I
> have in my mind. (Beard and all.....he he he.... :) )
> I hate to say this, but I am actually changing my vote from Jason
> Carter to McFadyan!!!
> RoBro
I think Angus MacFadyen would also make a good Sirius Black, at least
on the basis of appearance:,%20Angus
yet another "dead-sexy" actor who probably wasn't even considered (or
maybe wasn't available). He's certainly in the right age bracket. I
had no problem finding this photo of him - I just searched for him on
Anne U
(so what's taking WB so long to announce the POA roles??!! GAAAH!!)
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