HP costumes on display
Susan Miller <constancevigilance@yahoo.com>
constancevigilance at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 16 15:18:03 UTC 2003
(I posted this in the Madam Malkins group, but I thought you guys
might be interested in the movie costumes, too)
In honor of the coming Oscars, The Fashion Institute of Design and
Merchandising has some costumes from the HP films (and many other
films of 2002) on display in their galleray. You can see Harry's
uniform and Quidditch costume, plus there is a good look at Nearly
Headless Nick's tattered robes. I think the bloody costume is the
Bloody Baron's and there is another rather formal costume - maybe
Fudge? Anyway, look quick, because they will likely take the exhibit
down after the Oscars.
Then, click on Hollywood 2002 Exhibit.
Constance Vigilance
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