OT:[My theory]

Steve <bboy_mn@yahoo.com> bboy_mn at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 17 02:05:04 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Movie at yahoogroups.com, "Sheena <JuliusSalt at h...>"
<JuliusSalt at h...> wrote:
> I've got this theory...if you're interested than visit here to read 
> it: http://www.cosforums.com/a/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5821
> Thanks muchly!
> ~Sheena


Sheena, you could have just as well cut and paste you Theory into your
message. Although, I consider that you may want to keep the discussion
of it in one forum.

The Question: We all know that Hagrid said the 'Flew' to the Hut on
the Rock when he first met Harry. But how could he fly? 

Known methods of flying-
-flying car
-flying motorbike
-(flying carpet - realized later)

He seems to have none of these with him.

Interestingly enough this just came up in the HP4GU group when we were
again discussing the 'Missing 24 Hours'.

Floo Poweder-
Sheena discounted the use of Floo powered, although when spoken there
is very little difference between 'floo' and 'flew'. Just one problem,
Hagrid didn't appear in the fireplace.
Now brooms-
What broom? As Sheena points out, we've never known Hagrid to have a
broom, and to my knowledge, he has never spoken of flying a broom.
Even if a giant guy could fly a teeny broom, where is the broom? If
Hagrid flew on a broom, did he just chuck it in the ocean or what? My
only speculation is that you can tell a broom to 'go home' and it
returns on it's own, but there is nothing to support this. I guess
it's possible to enchant a special broom to return home, that doesn't
sound impossible. 

So what are we left with? 

Well, Sheena speculates the Hagrid could be an unregistered animagus
with the capability of flight. Problem is, we have an awful lot of
unregistered animagus already. I mean, is ever third person in the
wizard world an unregisted animagus? 

But Hagrid COULD become an animal of flight without being an animagus.
How, you ask? Transfiguration, I say. Dumbledore (or Flintwick or
McGonagall) could have transfigured Hagrid into any fast animal with
flight capability (remember he has to go hundreds of miles). A
transfiguration that would last until Hagrid got there.

Problems with this theory. Hagrid said Harry birthday cake might be a
little squashed because he might have sat on it on the way. Birds and
Beasts of flight don't sit on birthday cakes as they fly.

So what can you sit on that flys but hasn't been mention and excluding
a flying carpet which is unlikely? How about a Hyppogriff? Well it's
possible but Hagrid is almost 10 feet tall and a rather large man even
when his height isn't taken into account. I estimate his weight
conservatively at nearly 1,000 pounds. Normal size (in a manner of
speaking) humans can reach 300 to 400 pounds and remain funcitonal, an
exceptionally tall human could probable reach 400 to 600 pounds and
remain semi-functional. So Hagrid at 1,000# is not that much of a
stretch. Can a hyppogriff carry a 1,000# into the air and across
hundreds of miles. Well, we don't know but we could ask ourselves
could a normal size work horse walk over land carrying 1,000# on it's
back. Don't know enough about horses to answer that, but I suspect not.

How about the Knight Bus? Well, the Stan Shunpike says the bus can't
do nothing on or under water, but that doesn't mean it can't cross
over water. Problem; no loud BANG when the bus arrived; just a creak,
the crunching of gravel, and the BOOM of Hagrid pounding on the door.
So the Knight Bus seems to be out.

Now portkey-
"Harry felt a jerk somewhere behind his navel. His feet left the
ground. ... pulling him onward in a howl of wind and swirling of
color. ... Harry felt his feet slam into the ground..." Gof HC Pg635-636

Feet left the ground, howl of wind, swirl of color, then feet hit the
ground. When explaining portkey to an 11 year old who has no concept
of or knowledge of magic or the wizard world. Having portkeyed could
easily be summurized as 'flew'.

One small problem, if portkeys were real easy to enchant, then
everyone would used them. Since everyone doesn't use them, I can only
conclude that it is a somewhat long and difficult process. Would they
have had time to enchant a key to this unusual and remote location?

See my theory on Portkeys-

Well, it is conceivable. Of all the possibilities, portkey seems the
most likely. The theory has drawback, but less drawback than the others.

A last unconsidered possibility, Magical Transfer. During PoA,
Dumbledore makes hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags appear with
a wave of his wand. People speculate that he did not conjure them
because conjured items aren't permanent. So we conclude that the bags
already existed, and he just /transferred/ them from storage to the
Great Hall. There are other examples. Dumbledore is in Hagrid's cabin
with H/R/H, twirls his wand and a plate of tea and cakes appears. We
assume he didn't create them, but transferred them from the kitchen to
Hagrid's hut. There are others, but I think you get the point.

Now the question becomes, what are the limits on Magical Transfer of
items from one location to another. We haven't seen any examples of
Magical Transfer over great distances. But we also haven't seen any
trucks or wagons delivering the tons of food it must take to feed
hundreds of ravenous student. Merchandise and cargo have to be moved
some how, yet we see no obvious mechanical means (trucks, wagons,
trains, etc). I guess I could speculate that the train runs frequently
with cargo, and the students just don't see it. So that could explain

None the less, there is obviously a method of the Magical Transfer of
items from location to location. Dumbledore could have magically
transferred Hagrid to the island. But we don't see transfer of large
items or over great distance. On top of that, it Magical Transfer of
this nature was possible, then why didn't Mr. and Mrs. Weasley
transfer everyone to Diagon Alley, and then apparate there themselves.
If it was possible and easy, everyone would be doing it, but they are
not. So, again, this theory is pretty weak.

So it appears that nothing works, but of all the things that don't
work, Portkey seems to work best. 

So, I guess I have to stick with Portkeys.


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