Movie rating (going OT)

Anne <> urbana at
Mon Feb 17 22:48:00 UTC 2003

--- In HPFGU-Movie at, GulPlum <hp at p...> wrote:
>Generally speaking, British TV is a lot more grown up than the 
> US networks about what can and can't be shown (or heard). TV chat 
shows are 
> most amusing when American movie stars are on and look gobsmacked 
> somebody says "sh*t". Dustin Hoffman almost fell out of his chair 
> one last year when another guest used the f-word! (the chat show 
was aimed 
> for transmission after 10pm - no kids should be watching TV at that 
> He then delighted in using the word in almost every sentence, and 
told some 
> particularly risque anecdotes! :-)
The f-word is totally verboten on American broadcast and cable TV, 
but pay-per-view (like HBO and Showtime) apparently is different (I 
don't know for sure since we don't get pay-per-view at our house). 
Actually the "7 deadly words that can never be said on television" 
get *bleeped* out constantly on the late-night shows ... in fact 
Colin Farrell, co-star of Daredevil and The Recruit, was bleeped at 
least 20 times during his recent interview on The Tonight Show with 
Jay Leno. Jay was sitting there listening to Farrell swearing worse 
than a sailor and you could tell he was thinking "The censors will 
never let that pass"...

Anne U
(glad we don't have to worry about any of the HP trio getting bleeped 
in their TV appearances ... at least I hope not!)

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