[HPFGU-Movie] New Guy and hi...and a few questions
hp at plum.cream.org
Tue Feb 18 03:17:55 UTC 2003
Welcome aboard, Joe!
jmgarciaiii <jmgarciaiii at yahoo.com> wrote:
>After rummaging through eBay, I saw that there are some (Canadian)
>Region 1 DVDs of "Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone." What
>differences (if any) exist between the DVD releases of PS & SS?
None, beyond all references to "Sorcerer's Stone" in dialogue and visuals,
both in the film and throughout the DVD menu system appearing as
"Philosopher's Stone" (each mention was filmed twice).
>What differences exist (BESIDES aspect ratio) between the 4:3 &
>(nominally?) 16:9 PS/SS releases?
None. To see a comparison of some sequences to see how they look visually,
see a web page which has been mentioned several times on this group, and
quite recently as well: http://plum.cream.org/HP/dvd.htm (as it happens, I
am the author of that page, but that's irrelevant). :-)
>Lastly, I had read about the possibility (probability?) of a more
>thorough release of PS/SS on DVD, w. more deleted scenes, etc.
This has been rumoured ("hoped for" would probably be closer to the mark)
ever since it was released, but to my knowledge, nobody involved in the
production has ever expressed any intention of releasing a special edition.
This means that it probably won't happen. My own view is that if the
production team ever *do* decide to release any kind of expanded edition,
it probably won't be until all seven movies have been released, as part of
a boxed set.
In fact, I doubt that there's much material available that we've not seen
yet in one form or another. I suspect that we've seen all the deleted
scenes we're ever going to see, so the only biggie would be a blooper reel
- however, as blooper reels are generally rarer than gold-dust as a DVD
extra (actors VERY rarely give permission to be shown at anything but their
best and I know of only a tiny number of DVDs which have ever offered
out-takes), that's unlikely as well. A further extra might be some kind of
featurette on the SFX, but again I suspect that we won't see anything like
that for a long, long time. Columbus is on record as saying that he doesn't
want to "dispel all the magic".
The only really plausible extra to come is a director's/actors' commentary.
I'd certainly appreciate one. Actually, the one I'd really like is a
scriptwriter's commentary as I'd like to hear Kloves justify some of his
lame changes (anyone who's read my contributions on this list over the last
year or so will know that overall, I DON'T LIKE WHAT KLOVES HAS DONE). :-)
In other words, my advice is don't hold your breath waiting for a special
edition of PS/SS, or indeed CoS. :-)
> P.S. We have a widescreen TV in our home theater so 4:3 movies
>REALLY bug my kids. :-)
From what I understand, that's quite untypical. :-)
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