breaking GoF in half for two movies
acciopotter <>
crookshanks731 at
Tue Feb 18 03:41:23 UTC 2003
--- In HPFGU-Movie at, "Jeremy Davis" <jmd at j...> wrote:
> I very rarely post, and will probably get flamed for this but.....
> Couldn't the Quiddich Championships get greatly shorted to fit
everything in
> the one film? I found the first half of the book a bit boring to be
> :-) Controversial I know, so sorry, peace!
I am not going to flame you for stating your opinion. Although I
loved the World Cup scene in the movie I don't hink it should not be
cut for that reason alone. So much is revealed at the World Cup that
you would need a great deal of time to put it all in. All the things
and people are very important to the story and I think it is
necessary for the people who have never read the books to see the
match and get to know all the new charactors and see all the events
that unfold at the match.
I must admit that I would like them to make two movies out of it, not
just for the fact that there is too much to fit into one move, but
for the fact that it would mean 2 HP's in one year!! by that time we
will all be anctiously awaiting the 6th book and two movies will give
us something to take our minds off of it.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <ArtsyLynda at a...>
> To: <HPFGU-Movie at>
> Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [HPFGU-Movie] breaking GoF in half for two movies
> > Diana wrote:
> >
> > > For me, the logical breaking point for the end of the first
> > > would be just after Harry's name comes out of the Goblet of
Fire as
> > > the fourth champion. They could cut to Harry's face expressing
> > > shock and disbelief...add a 'to be continued
> > >
> > I think that would be the most logical place to break it, too.
When I
> read
> > the book, it read almost like two books, with so much time
devoted to the
> > World Quiddich Championships and so forth, it and the Tri-Wizard
> Tournament
> > each felt like an entire book in itself. I would love to see GoF
done as
> two
> > movies so we don't lose too much of the story. I sure hope some
of the
> movie
> > folks are listening to us about this!! How do we give them our
> > Anybody know? I'm new to this fandom, but in other fandoms I've
> > involved in, we made our voices heard to the producers of the
films or TV
> > series and in many cases, they did listen to us. Is that true in
> > Potterverse? (Not that I want us to have a stronger voice than
JKR, but I
> > think they should know what we'd like. . . then again, maybe they
> what
> > we want most is MORE MORE MORE Harry Potter!! And to be true to
> books!
> > ;->)
> >
> > Lynda
> > * * *
> > "Don't let the Muggles get you down." Ron Weasley PoA
> >
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> >
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