[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Lupin Cast?

GulPlum hp at plum.cream.org
Tue Feb 18 09:20:34 UTC 2003

Anne replied to me with:

>You mean you're almost 10 feet tall?? Yiiiikes!! Oh wait, you said
>you're the same size as Robbie Coltrane, not the same size as
>Hagrid ... oops... never mind ;-)

Quite. :-) My nephews do, however, call me Hagrid (last summer, I gave up 
on shaving for a while). The Hagrid cookie jar I got my sister and her 
family for Christmas (http://store6.yimg.com/I/graveyard_1725_4474802) is 
referred to as Richard, though. :-)

>Not to mention that at the rate things are going, DANIEL will be as
>tall as Oldman by the time GoF starts shooting... and let's not go in
>the direction of "maybe Daniel won't play Harry in GoF"...

I didn't even consider his height relative to Dan to be an issue. Just 
never show them standing next to each other on screen. However, having 
Oldman stand in a group with Rickman and Thewlis (both of whom are quite 
tall) plus whoever gets to play Pettigrew, it's going to be difficult for 
him to remain the centre of attention - he has very little dialogue once 
the scene gets underway.

Talking of which, as it happens, I think he'd make a terrific Pettigrew!

>Actually I've only seen Thewlis once, and in that TV miniseries (one
>of the Prime Suspect series with Helen Mirren) I believe he played a
>serial killer. So I guess I haven't seen him play either buffoonish
>OR serious and quiet.

I forgot about that. It's been a while since I saw it, as it has been since 
I saw the other production which has been mentioned in this thread (Big 
Lebowski) - it's been on my DVD-to-buy list for a long time. Perhaps I'll 
get it today. :-)

I do take the "buffoonish" comment back, though - clearly there's more to 
him than that. But I do agree that "serious and quiet" is a side of him 
we've not seen yet. Besides, when (not if) Oldman and Rickman go into 
scenery-chewing mode (which they both do VERY, VERY well), he'll just get 
chewed up and spat out along with the furniture, unless he goes into manic 
overdrive himself, which will be totally against the character - I really 
don't think he can compete with them!

(I would really like to be a fly on the wall when they do those scenes - I 
expect the kids are going to have a whale of a time!)

>But the really good news is that it won't be Columbus directing
>them... there's still hope...

That goes completely and absolutely without saying. :-)
GulPlum AKA Richard, who doesn't really expect confirmation on Sirius 
casting for a while, and even longer for Pettigrew... (and how are the 
media going to announce Pettigrew's casting without giving the plot away?)

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