[HPFGU-Movie] Re: "PoA Commences Production" announcement

CLShannon at aol.com CLShannon at aol.com
Fri Feb 21 02:27:41 UTC 2003

In a message dated 2/20/03 6:20:42 PM, rvotaw at i-55.com writes:

<< Okay, back on topic here.  Somebody help me out, Paul Whitehouse is listed 
as the pawnbroker.  Is that the guy David Copperfield was selling his clothes 
and stuff to in the store?  I'm guessing it is, now I've got to watch it 
again and take a look at him.  (My mother absolutely refuses to be in the 
same room with me when I'm watching it, she takes one look at little Daniel 
Radcliffe's big, sad blue eyes and leaves, claiming "He's too cute and 
they're too mean.") >>

I think that would be the pawnbroker, as I remember it.
And I agree with your mother - the first time I watched that thing, my heart 
was breaking and I wanted to scream at all those mean characters - 'what's 
wrong with you people, how can you abuse that child!' Dan was incredibly 
adorable in that and such sad, old eyes on a child ;-)
That scene of him in the gutter, all dirty and worn out from his walk gets me 
every time. What a poster child for Dickensian child abuse <g>
And of course, I love the scene wherein Maggie Smith, playing Aunt Betsy, 
gives the poor kid a bath ;-) 

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