[HPFGU-Movie] Re: How "true" does Cuaron have to be?

Richelle Votaw rvotaw at i-55.com
Fri Feb 21 16:37:01 UTC 2003

Amanda wrote:

> I agree with this post 100%. The "Deleted" scene shows Harry's true 
> personality..he is a fighter (not in the physical sense) and he 
> wouldn't just let Snape walk all over him. I felt that the scene 
> showed in the actual movie displayed Harry as a scared little boy who 
> isn't willing to stand up for what is right..I really wish they would 

Absolutely.  I think that in SS/PS they went overboard trying to have Harry be a sweet well mannered little boy who inadvertantly got into mischief.  (Oops, the headmaster's gone, McGonagall thinks we're nuts.  Better do it ourselves).  Whereas they made an overcorrection in CoS as Harry "saves the day."  (Sorry, I still like that line one way or another, though.)

Which brings me to my point. (yes, there is one!)  In PoA, I wonder what they'll do with the Snape subbing for Lupin scene? It's important because of the werewolf assignment.  I know, they could think of another way to do it, but it's so good as it is.  Harry coming in, and rather defiantly demanding to know where Professor Lupin is, what's wrong with him, etc.  I love that scene, and I hope they keep it as it is.

On another note, the Japanese magazine Roadshow has (as always) some Potter stuff in their April issue.  It includes a picture of Dan as Harry (you can see it at www.danradcliffe.com) which I've never seen.  I was wondering if it was a new publicity picture for PoA, Japan does always seem to get their hands on things first!  I realize they usually have exclusive photo shoots with the cast, but those aren't usually in costume.  Just wondering.


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