James/Lilly casting

GulPlum hp at plum.cream.org
Fri Feb 21 19:27:33 UTC 2003

At 17:12 21/02/03 , Virginia Faye Garza wrote:

>Hi, Ok, maybe this is just me, but I thought that I would let you all know 
>I thought about the casting of James and Lily in PS/SS.  For some reason 
>in my mind's eye I envision James and Lily being in their mid to late 
>twenties at the time of their deaths.  But in PS/SS both James and Lily 
>looked to be about 33.  I have always pictured them about 8 years 
>younger.  Is that just me or what?  I would like to see what others have 
>to say on this topic. Thanks,

See the other threads on casting. The movies have made all the characters 
of James & Co's generation a little older than book canon indicates. In the 
books, they seem to have all been in their early 20s when Harry was born, 
and thus in their mid-to-late-30s during Harry's school years,  but 
Rickman's casting has forced them to add about 10 years to that.

As I said a couple of days ago, Rickman's casting was JKR's idea, and so 
this is one thing for which we really can't blame Columbus & Co. For the 
new PoA characters, they've gone with late-30s to early-40s actors, which 
is certainly a step in the right direction.

I've not heard anyone ever complain about Rickman's casting (I'm certainly 
not going to start because I think he's done a terrific job) so complaining 
about the age of the other characters is, frankly, a display of double 

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