
Scott <> insanus_scottus at
Sat Feb 22 00:39:05 UTC 2003

According to the website that was just referenced 
for other matters-

"Alnwick Castle and Durham Cathedral, which featured in some of the 
most stunning scenes in the last two films, have been ditched in 
favour of sites in Scotland and southern England."


Is this true? Well I erm, suppose so, but it's something that I just 
can't accept. Will Hogwarts not look totally different? Alnwick is 
very distinctive and some scenes, such the Whomping Willow in CoS, 
have been clearly established within its borders.  It seems to me 
that this creates an unnecessary muddle.  Perhaps indoor scenes may 
be recreated but a large scale outdoor scene is unlikely. Any 

On a bit of a tangent did anyone else notice that the hospital wing 
set used in CoS was totally different than that used in PS/SS? In 
the first film, unless I'm very much mistaken, the Divinity School 
of the Bodleian Library, Oxford was used. Here's a link with a 
picture, albeit not a very big 
I lived in Oxford for a short while in 2001 (alright I just studied 
for a month, but live sounds much more romantic) and I remember  
clearly that this was so (partially from the HPFGU members that I 
met whilst there, but I digress). 

Anyway you can go on a 360degree tour of the CoS set at

There. If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but they're totally different rooms 
and it makes me mad (not to mention this fact irked me to no end in 
the hospital scenes, ack!)

That's all.

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