Prisoner's hopes and dreams

acciopotter <> crookshanks731 at
Sun Feb 23 04:11:38 UTC 2003

> (re: need for Hufflepuff Quidditch match):
> >The train sequence could be used to show that Harry has a weakness 
> >dementors are concerned. They could then have the Quidditch match 
> >Hufflepuff take place off screen (hopefully we can see the final 
> >Slytherin though). All they need to do is have the scene cut to 
after the
> >fact with Harry in the hospital wing and Hermione, Ron ect., 
telling him what
> >happened.
> >
> Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating losing either scene. I've 
just got a 
> clear idea of which one is more likely to go, and which one *need* 
to work 
> visually and which one doesn't. Especially the absolute requirement 
to show 
> Harry missing the Snitch unless we really want to perpetuate the 
> image of Harry as utterly invincible.

I think both scenes are necessary...The train scene to introduce 
Lupin and dementors..also to show that Lupin is a worthy DADA 
teacher...I.e.the chocolate...

The Hufflepuff match is important because it once again shows HArry's 
weakness to the dementors Gul also shows that 
Harry isn't the all powerful, unbeatable charactor he has been mad 
out to be in the two previous movies..He is a person with fault. 

I am not going to go into charactor analysis between the books and 
the movies..but I think it is high time the real nature of the trio 
is shown and not just some made up personality to provide comic 
relief...cough cough Ron cough cough.


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