[HPFGU-Movie] Prisoners hopes and dreams/scripts
artsylynda at aol.com
artsylynda at aol.com
Mon Feb 24 17:24:28 UTC 2003
Lynda, I don't think you missed any posts...the only thing we know
for sure, so far, is that the early Magnolia Crescent scenes were
shot very recently. AFAIK nobody here has any access to the POA
script, so we're all just speculating about which scenes from the
book will be "in" or "out" or (gulp) combined.
Anne U
(who hopes we don't witness any :::cough:::"composite
Thank you, Anne! I do try to keep up, but it's really difficult as fast as
this list goes and as often as the subject line changes.
As for composite characters, Hermione getting Ron's lines, etc. -- I know
film makers do stuff to try to keep things moving, but good grief, things
move so quickly in the books I cannot put them down (on my 6th reading
through in less than 2 months time -- can you tell I can't put them down?
I'm not obsessed, not me!! LOL!). I miss Harry's sarcasm, Ron's courage,
and the beautifully dry wit shown in the books. Harry is such a fully-drawn
character, and I believe Dan can portray every nuance given the chance -- why
have they not given him the chance? Kids around the world are reading these
books with great devotion, despite the high level of vocabulary, etc., which
requires more work to read than the average "grade school level" book.
Obviously they're capable of understanding challenging material. Why dumb it
down? argh. BTW, where do you get copies of the scripts? I bought a first
draft script for the "Starman" movie when I was in Hollywood one time --
there were HUGE differences in the script and the movie, and it was
fascinating to see the differences (two examples of the differences --
Starman wasn't a blue light, he had a body and was in a space suit with
thrusters on the wrists so he could get around on Earth; and he was part of a
group of aliens that were exploring -- and he was a photographer. He got
left behind when the ship left, kind of like "ET" which may be why they
changed so much of the early part of the script). I would LOVE to see the
early Potter scripts, or even later ones, to see the variations from the
books and from what we eventually saw. Is there a "preferred" source for the
scripts? Thanks!
* * *
"Don't let the Muggles get you down." Ron Weasley PoA
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