[HPFGU-Movie] Re:film allusions and characterization (WAS: film adaptations)
heather at compsoc.man.ac.uk
Tue Feb 25 19:08:24 UTC 2003
> We have read a slew of comments regarding Kloves and Columbus failure
> to translate the characers as we know them from the book to the
> screen. Apart from the changes in the trio and the trio dynamic, not
> many characters have survived the transfer--although this is not in
> every case a bad thing. Most of the "transfers" are interpretations
> of the Rowling characters, and I suppose we must always allow some
> leeway. However, as I've thought about it for the past couple of
> days, I have come to realize just how few of the characters strike me
> the same as in the book.
> For instance (this has been mentioned before, I know), Dumbledore has
> his wisdom intact, but his movie-self is incomplete since all of his
> cookiness and eccentricity has been excised.
> Furthermore,in the book, Snape is entirely unpleasant in my view,
> with no redeeming qualities to date (except hints of possible bravery
> in the past--but that's sstuff for a different list)but the movie-
> Snape comes off as a dedicated teacher who's just having a hard time
> keeping a personal grudge under wraps. The fact that he's also
> menacingly attractive I'm just putting down to Rickman himself.
> Also, as little as we've seen of Percy, he too, seems to me
> considerably more sympathetic than in the books. This could possibly
> be a result of that (in)famous morning hair scene in CoS. Book-Percy
> to me would never appear at breakfast other than fully dressed and
> neatly combed.
> Finally, Crabbe and Goyle in the book have so far no redeeming
> qualities--they are just mean and unpleasant all the way. In the
> films, however, CoS particularly, we see them as bullied by Draco,
> possibly insecure around him--hangers on for protection by Malfoy's
> status maybe. They're just kind of stupid-cute. Notice that they try
> to get up to applaud Hagrid's return in the final great hall scene,
> but Malfoy stops them.
> Why is that? Perhaps Kloves and Columbus decided to make these
> characters a little more human--after all they are nearly caricatures
> in the books, very belieavable, but still types in a sense. Perhaps
> the movie perspective ís supposed to give us a more "objective" take
> on the characters, whereas the book-characters are all seen through
> Harry's eyes.
> Sophia (screwing up her brain)
That's an interesting way of seeing it, and I do wonder whether JKR is
allowing character differences in order to work things out for future
books :)
The off-character scene that most haunts me is when Draco falls off his
broom and the camera cuts to Lucius looking faintly disgusted. It seemed
to put the issue of his upbringing much more clearly than the books,
which rely almost entirely on Harry's information.
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