[HPFGU-Movie] Re: film adaptations

CLShannon at aol.com CLShannon at aol.com
Wed Feb 26 03:32:35 UTC 2003

In a message dated 2/25/03 7:25:15 PM, rvotaw at i-55.com writes:

<< What I find ironic, is that (what's in and not in the books aside) so many 
people (including me) complain about the part with Harry snapping back at 
Snape being left out of SS/PS, while at the same time the "Don't worry, I 
will be" is gasped at in horror.  I too, (though I needn't be reminded I 
haven't actually seen CoS) saw the line as containing the same "I am not 
going to be trampled over" attitude that Harry should've shown in the Snape 
scene in SS/PS, but was removed from the final film.  I like it.  There, I 
said it. :) >>

That's exactly what I have been thinking during this discussion ;-) And I 
have seen  COS and I liked the line. I also liked the look of pride on 
Dumbledore's face after Harry said it. Sort of like he was saying, 'well, 
Lucious, what do you make of that?' ;-)

I might add also that in the book POA, Harry gets rather ticked off at Uncle 
Vernon at the beginning during the 'Aunt Marge' bit. He kicks open his trunk 
and points his wand at Vernon and says, among other things, 'you keep away 
from me' and 'I'm going, I've had enough'. The description in the book says 
that a reckless rage came over Harry. Yet he delivers the lines rather 
quietly and not by shouting. Seems the same type of delivery as the line in 
COS to me - quietly threatening ;-), and in character.

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