[HPFGU-Movie] Re: Snape in CoS

GulPlum hp at plum.cream.org
Fri Feb 28 01:45:37 UTC 2003

Steve <bboy> wrote:


>I think this attempt a looking mean and nasty instead made him look
>like he just drank some sour milk.

I'm with those who think he was unwell. Rickman is simply too good an actor 
(and has done enough bad-guy parts) to know how to play a scene like this. 
He was crouched over all the time he was talking to the boys, and for his 
journey around the table, looked like he desperately needed the table for 
support. He looked like he was in physical pain.

Something I find peculiar is that there isn't a single full-body shot of 
him standing up, or a single shot of Rickman's, Harris's and Smith's faces 
in the same frame.

He's doubled-up over the table as he's talking to the boys, then as 
McGonagall and Dumbledore walk in, we have shots from behind Snape's back 
or chest-up shots from his front. This only increases my suspicion that 
they could have used a body double for the shots from behind Snape's back, 
and he could have been seated for his bits of dialogue.

I suspect we'll never know the truth unless someone asks the actors 
involved in the scene, but the whole setup looks very dodgy to me, the 
easiest (and most plausible) explanations IMO being that he was unwell. 
Although I would have expected Columbus to use different shots, and 
certainly for him to have allowed Rickman to stay seated throughout the 
scene if he really was unwell, which just brings us back to a badly-filmed 
and uncharacteristically badly-played scene.

GulPlum AKA Richard, who has a huge backlog of posts to go through and 
many  comments to make, but is about to go away for the weekend and thus 
will have to wait...

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